Monday, May 29, 2006

Jewish Plot to Honor our Veterans

David Duke issued the following warning on his website:

“If you live in a major city, the daily newspaper you read will more than likely be Jewish owned or edited. So will the national newsmagazine you buy at the news counter. More than likely, the national cable or regular TV network you watch will be Jewish-owned, and if not, Jews will be preponderant in the executive and decision-making departments. The movie you see in the theater or watch on television will very likely have been produced, directed, or written by Jews — and often all three. The publishers of the hardbacks or paperbacks you read, even the record companies that produce the music you buy, will probably be Jewish-owned, and if not, they will very likely have Jews in key executive positions. Bookstores and libraries often select their new book purchases based on reviews by Jewish critics and publications such as The New York Times Book Review, another part of the Jewish-run NY Times.”

He claims that, “Jewish media power is so extensive that one can scarcely exaggerate it. It is not simply a question of their power being disproportionate to their percentage of population — their power is breathtaking.”

Last week I was horrified when a white supremacist visited the Kosovodad blog and drew up a hit-list of 89 Jews that support President Bush. Unfortunately, this is a common strategy that bigots employ in order to prove that there is a vast Jewish conspiracy in this country.

Along these lines there is a website called Iraq: the Jew’s War, which is maintained by the same person who created Wake up America. Both of these sites compile lists of Jewish members of the government, media and other prominent Americans. It is unsettling that if you are Jewish you can have your name published on a website and be condemned simply for the crime of your religion. It is a virtual Jewish star that they are forced to wear, placing them under the threat of suspicion.

On the other hand, it is amusing to note that the Wake up America site links a white supremacist site, White, and a leftwing site, Dissent Dissent Voice makes many accusations of racism by the US and yet they are linked to a half dozen racist websites. Meanwhile “mainstream” sites like Veterans Against the Iraqi War and are linked to the Iraq: the Jews War site. This illustrates the anti-American alliance of convenience between the Left and Neo-Nazis.

So while the anti-war crowd is beating their breasts against the Jewish conspiracy, I had an opportunity to get a glimpse at how the Jewish conspiracy really works.

Jewish veterans in Des Moines, Iowa have banded together to ensure that the graves of Jewish military veterans will be marked with an American flag this Memorial Day. Furthermore, the Des Moines Jewish Federation is compiling their own list of Jews. Instead of blacklisting Jews, they are creating an honor roll of Iowa’s Jewish veterans who served in the U.S. armed services. The goal is to ensure that their graves will be decorated with a permanent bronze emblem and flag in perpetuity.

On this Memorial Day I would like to praise veterans of all faiths. I do not question the integrity of any military veteran based on their religion. Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish and all creeds are welcome to defend our country’s honor. I salute you all.


nanc said...

very good post, fern.

i only wish the jews were in control of everything in the here and now...

Freedomnow said...

Just visit Counterpunch and the Stormfront websites and your fantasy can come true.

FLORIAN said...

Oh my oh my FN! You finally pointed out the VAST JOOISH CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!
Scary how some people actually believe these kind of things. (I.E. Muslims, Neo-Nazi's, Liberals). Most Jews are more nationalist than religious. Most American Jews love America before they love Israel.

Mad Zionist said...

Most American Jews love liberalism, and are neither nationalistic nor religious. It's a cancer known as "self-loathing".

Always On Watch said...

I didn't expect anything different from David Duke, the consummate anti-Semite.

American Crusader said...

Somebody should take David Duke to the movie "Munich". This Steven Spielberg movie is anything but pro Israel despite the directors religion.

American Crusader said...

Also...even though it's difficult to separate Jews and Israel, their politics are vastly different. Israelis understand the threat they are against while in America the majority of Jews are liberal. Senator Lieberman is actually one of the most conservative Democrats in the Senate.

GUYK said...

Duke and his ilk are insecure, less than human animals, who seem to have a need to take out their frustrations at their own inadequacies on someone else. Jews just happen to be an easy target because Jews do not fit the Dukettes ideas of being normal.

Freedomnow said...

You will note at the "Iraq the Jews War" website that only three of the Jewish members of Congress are Republican. The other 32 are Democrats and one is independent.

They are hardly the NeoCon Bush supporters that these Nazis make them out to be.

Its amazing that after all these years the Jews are still the biggest scapegoats in the world.

GUYK said...

I kinda figure that the Jews are always the scrapegoat because the Jews could reaaly give a damn whether one accepts their beliefs or not. I reckon that the Jews are secure enough with their belief in their god that they have no need to try to force it in anyone else--unlike the Christians and Muslims. I am not a Jew but I have a lot more respect for a people and religion that doesn't care whether I accept the religion or not than I do a religion that tries to convert me any way possible including killing me if I do not choose to accept their beliefs.

Freedomnow said...

Hmmm... I never looked at Judaism like that. You have a point. Out of the 3 major faiths the Jews are the least aggressive.

Christians can be extremely pushy (I usually find it amusing though).

Muslims really focus on prisons and college campuses. Their worst aspect is that it is sort of like joining a gang. Once you are in, there is no getting out.

And then there is forced conversion by Jihad, which isnt too pleasant.

nanc said...

that is a very good point, guy. we must remember also that it is inherent in the jew to be a humanitarian, which is NOT always a good thing.

fern - are you calling me a funny christian?

okay for you two - i'm going to burn some styrofoam just to prove myself!

FLORIAN said...

I meant to say conservative Jews as Nationalists. sorry.

Nanc--you are a funny Christian. J/k

Freedomnow said...


Lets be completely honest here...

There arent many silver people with green war paint these days.

Some may accuse you of being funny looking. Now thats not my opinion I'm just stating what other "people" said...

beakerkin said...

This is hysterical as Duke's rants sound exactly like that of 167. He merely inserts Zionist instead of Joooo.

nanc said...

let them say what they may, fern - i have silver hair and they are green with envy! so we're all nearly even - with me being the surpassant (is that a word?)!

Freedomnow said...

Wow!!! Nanc I love it when you talk dirty!

Surpassant, huh?

It must be dirty because I checked and there was no listing. You rascal!!!!!!!

Freedomnow said...


I've never had the pleasure (that I can recall) of seeing 167's handiwork. I'm sure I would enjoy calling him anti-Semitic.

That always gets them riled up!!!

nanc said...

i like making up new words. our kids do it too...

Eitan Ha'ahzari said...

freedomnow: excellent article. It's telling how right-wing Nazis and left-wing Commies have ganged up on us Jooos. It's reminds of me of the news from the former U.S.S.R.: how skin-heads and communist are branding together and forming all kinds of coalitions agaisnt foreigners and us Jooos as well as just about anybody who's not Russian.

p.s. I'd like for you to read my last post and get your feedback. Regards, Greg.

Eitan Ha'ahzari said...

thanks for your insightful comment. I look forward to keeping in touch, whether via email or otherwise.

Freedomnow said...

As you have commanded, I left some comments on your blog.

Thanks for dropping by...

Freedomnow said...

You got that comment ahead of mine by mere seconds, I didnt see it until now.

I will see you in cyberspace.


J.M. Seals said...

I must say I am suprised we have that many Jews in Iowa. I am not trying to be funny. I lived there my entire life. I have a lot of family in Des Moines.

This sounds like the same arguement liberals use to say that the only way for blacks to succeed is to try and be white.

Liberals refuse to look at the achievments of a person before their religion and skin color.
As for Duke. BLANK YOU!!!

If the media is controlled by anyone, I believe most of them earned the spot. Expect of course for the silverspooners like Bush!
Sorry we is the only example I could think of.

Freedomnow said...

The press is owned by sensationalism. The object is to sell advertising and increase their readership.

There are actually many important contributions that the press makes to this country. Unfortunately, our enemies are very media saavy.

We just have to be better than them

MBD said...

Shit dude, the Jewish conspiracy is failing me. i've been out of a regular office job for ever since the .com crazed crashed with those planes on 9.11

i'm wondering where my ethnic connections are? haha Also wondering why the "Jewish Media" are bitching about Israel all the time. Sort of ironic. Maybe the Media is owned by self-hating Jews :)