The publication of some cartoons has led to deadly riots, attempts to kidnap Westerners, attacks on many Western embassies located in the Middle East, open warfare in Afghanistan, the murder of a Christian priest, burning of the flags of many countries and open hostility to everything Danish.
As offensive as these cartoons may be, there is a troubling trend that reverberates from this crisis. The tendency of Muslims to resort to violence in order to intimidate their hastily perceived enemies. Islam is at war with every major religion on this planet. No other religion can say that.
Apologists for Islamist hatred are quick to note alleged “crimes” against Muslims that provoke them to commit such acts in self-defense. How does that explain the worldwide targeting of civilians by Islamic terrorists (with much support from the mainstream Islamic world)? To justify these actions Islamist propaganda dehumanizes the civilian populations of its enemies in the minds of its followers.
This crisis is a revealing example of how it happens. A Danish newspaper publishes cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. This leads Muslims around the world to attack everything Danish, not just the newspaper in question.
Muslims have access to the Internet, newspapers and television news just like Westerners. They are familiar with the Western concept of Freedom of the Press. What brings them to attacking embassies, burning flags and boycotting Danish goods? ...It is the time honored Islamic tradition of violent intimidation of their enemies. Although it was a Danish newspaper that was the “cause of the crisis”, all Danish citizens and their government have become targets.
This post doesn’t publish the most outrageous pictures from the anti-Western riots because there is a theme that I follow. I have displayed pictures of the public burning of flags that belong to many different nations in order to illustrate how Islamic hatred is so adept at dehumanizing its enemies that a protest against a newspaper can spiral into a protest against all non-believers. It is astonishing that this comes as the result of the publication of some cartoons.
A typical scene of a burning Danish flag, repeated countless times across the world.
A French flag burns in retaliation for the publication of the cartoons by French newspaper "France Soir", despite the fact that the editor was fired for the act.
Although no major US periodical published the cartoons we might as well throw some anti-Americanism into the mix.
Flag manufacturers cant keep up with the demand as flags are burned so quickly this one goes by unidentified. Do the Jews control the trade and manufacturing of flags?...
What would an Islamic riot be without the hallmark of anti-Semitism, the burning of the Israeli flag?
A Norwegian flag joins the party. Islamists make no distinction between a Norwegian newspaper and the country itself. This is the politics of intimidation.
On the left we have a fine example of the proper way to display the Danish flag and on the right we have the Islamist method.
It is only fair to point out that the Danes have also been known to riot. Below is a picture of one of those black periods in Danish history. The Danes are depicted rioting against the Nazis in World War II while Islamists join forces with the Nazis in Berlin, Yugoslavia and the Middle East.
As offensive as these cartoons may be, there is a troubling trend that reverberates from this crisis. The tendency of Muslims to resort to violence in order to intimidate their hastily perceived enemies. Islam is at war with every major religion on this planet. No other religion can say that.
Apologists for Islamist hatred are quick to note alleged “crimes” against Muslims that provoke them to commit such acts in self-defense. How does that explain the worldwide targeting of civilians by Islamic terrorists (with much support from the mainstream Islamic world)? To justify these actions Islamist propaganda dehumanizes the civilian populations of its enemies in the minds of its followers.
This crisis is a revealing example of how it happens. A Danish newspaper publishes cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad. This leads Muslims around the world to attack everything Danish, not just the newspaper in question.
Muslims have access to the Internet, newspapers and television news just like Westerners. They are familiar with the Western concept of Freedom of the Press. What brings them to attacking embassies, burning flags and boycotting Danish goods? ...It is the time honored Islamic tradition of violent intimidation of their enemies. Although it was a Danish newspaper that was the “cause of the crisis”, all Danish citizens and their government have become targets.
This post doesn’t publish the most outrageous pictures from the anti-Western riots because there is a theme that I follow. I have displayed pictures of the public burning of flags that belong to many different nations in order to illustrate how Islamic hatred is so adept at dehumanizing its enemies that a protest against a newspaper can spiral into a protest against all non-believers. It is astonishing that this comes as the result of the publication of some cartoons.
A typical scene of a burning Danish flag, repeated countless times across the world.
A French flag burns in retaliation for the publication of the cartoons by French newspaper "France Soir", despite the fact that the editor was fired for the act.
Although no major US periodical published the cartoons we might as well throw some anti-Americanism into the mix.
Flag manufacturers cant keep up with the demand as flags are burned so quickly this one goes by unidentified. Do the Jews control the trade and manufacturing of flags?...
What would an Islamic riot be without the hallmark of anti-Semitism, the burning of the Israeli flag?
A Norwegian flag joins the party. Islamists make no distinction between a Norwegian newspaper and the country itself. This is the politics of intimidation.
On the left we have a fine example of the proper way to display the Danish flag and on the right we have the Islamist method.
It is only fair to point out that the Danes have also been known to riot. Below is a picture of one of those black periods in Danish history. The Danes are depicted rioting against the Nazis in World War II while Islamists join forces with the Nazis in Berlin, Yugoslavia and the Middle East.
morning fern:
i guess they should start making ALL flags out of some sort of asbestos material! or better yet, something that explodes and causes great harm or death upon the offenders withing 25-30 feet. i've never understood the mindset behind this seemingly symbolic gesture.
The low status of shoes in the Middle East really amuses me. There was one guy who glued a sandal to a cardboard cut-out of the Danish flag. It is supposed to be a big insult, but it really looks like a project from 5th grade history class.
how can they treat shoes like that? you've found my downfall, fern, husband does NOT want to know anymore why i have 19 pair of black shoes. he stopped asking about 12 years ago - of course i've added at least that many more since then! now if he asks, i will say, "they make my feet look thinner!"
have a grand day at work if you must!
mAYbE yoU CAN uSE ONe pAiR oF SHoeS To DeSeCraTE EAch FLag.
BuT DoNT ToUCh thE CUbAn FLag or AnY FLag thAT DisPLays syMBoLs oF IsLAm BeCAUse tHAt WouLD bE HATefUL aND DiViSivE...
what have you done with fern? i like to play it safe by never touching ANY flags!
ohhhh nooooo, don't tell me you broke a heel on those new black pumps of yours? not the sergio rossi's - say it's not sooooo...ODG, somebody shoot me!
Love the Swedish flag chick. Where do you find this stuff, anyway? Nicely done.
"It is astonishing that this comes as the result of the publication of some cartoons."
It shouldn't be if you know much abut the history of the mideast-especially recent history. What is astonoshing to me is the number of apologists in the USA and around the world that even after the ragheads have shown their butts are still defending them as being provoked.
The fact remains that Islam is not a religion of peace nor or Islamists peaceful people. The sooner the rest of the world realizes that it is at war with ISlam-not Iraq nor Iran but Islam itself- the sooner we can win the war.
madze - we are in the midst of a genius i tell you - i hope he remembers us when.
btw - fern, great column by ann coulter at fpm today in only a way she can do it.
I spend hours on the Internet before actually starting to work on a post.
Yeah its not astonishing if you know how these people are. Yesterday there was a suicide bombing and riots in Pakistan where about 27 people died. Islamists arent even tolerant of each other.
I read Coulter's article. I am confused what does she mean by, "Protestants don't make a peep about other people eating food off one another's plates. (Just stay away from our plates – that's disgusting.)"
fern - here's a great article at the watimes re muslims and the holocaust. thought you'd appreciate:
you know fern, i hadn't quite figured that one out either, until i realized most baptists have a weight problem and one wouldn't dare even look at another baptist's plate without getting poked in the eye with a drumstick! if you figure it out let ME know. personally, i have never liked ANYBODY coveting my food much less touching it. my children don't even take a sip out of my cup. blechhhhh - germs...
oh, p.s. - i am NOT a baptist with a weight problem - i go to a baptist church and have an anti-weight problem.
After reading that article I have to say that Liberals are complete idiots.
They are to blame for the violence by Islamists. Islamists think we are idiots because of them. It is time to stop being afraid of provoking Islamists because that only encourages them to commit more violence, since they know that we are afraid.
Today Palestinian Freedom Fighters kidnapped an Egyptian military attache to the Palestinian Authority. Egypt is the Palestinian's closest ally.
This culture of violence in the Middle East needs to be confronted, not protected. We have encouraged them for too long. Enough is Enough...
like i've said on a number of occasions, the only good thing to come out of egypt were the hebrew slaves. is this a "shoot" "don't shoot" moment for you, fern? i've never seen you like this - you need to go out right now and conquer something!
autonomist has some great articles today if you're angry and also two lonely hoser women who plague us once in awhile trying to pick up dates!
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